Stenen 100 Year Anniversary



Stenen Rawhides Saloon PHOTOS



Stenen Baseball Team Inducted in the Saskatchewan Baseball Hall of Fame



Stenen Summer Fest 2013


- Stenen Rawhides Website


- Stenen Rawhides Menu




Peter Koroluk - Mike Steranko

Steven Steranko - Ron Steranko

click here to see full size photo






Click photo below to see OLD STENEN PHOTOS from the 1940's





If you can recognize anyone in any of the photos,



























































































































 Village of Stenen, Saskatchewan


Watch Video of Stenen - 2015 (Click Here)


Save St. Mary's Ukrainian Orthodox Church and Cemetery

2 Miles North of Stenen



In May 2019, a fire destroyed the bell tower, kitchen, garage and outhouse at the

St. Mary's Orthodox Church and Cemetery, 2 miles North of Stenen (Anaka's Church).  

The church itself was not harmed by the fire but is in need of work as does the cemetery.

Due to costs related to the fire, funding to do these necessary repairs is limited.

We are desperately asking for donations to keep the cemetery and church going for years to come.

We are especially reaching out to people who have loved ones buried in the cemetery.

This is a community cemetery with a long-standing historical persence since 1905.

The church was built in 1908.


Please help save the church and cemetery:


Donate at:  GOFUNDME


or cheques will be accepted.  Mail to:


Holy Assumption Orthodox Church - Stenen

c/o Lilia Livingstone

Box 475

Norquay, SK.

S0A 2V0






Village of STENEN Photos - Pancake Breakfasts


Stenen Curling Bonspiel - 2015



Stenen Ukrainian Orthodox Church 1970's - Ladies Club



Click on this link or photo above to see LARGE photo


*** Big "THANK YOU" to Ron Steranko and his family for the work they did on the spruce trees in front of the church.  It was no easy task as the trees were extremely over grown.   Even the grand kids helped - loading the branches and tree tops onto the truck to haul away.   Multiple loads to the dump!   Thanks again Ron and family, and thank you Victor Wasylenchuk for supplying the truck.


*** Also thank you Dean Dorschuck and Steven Steranko for doing such a marvelous job installing the metal roof on the church.   It looks great and will last for many years.


I will post a photo of the new look of the church, once I get a photo.  I thought I had some but can't seem to find them, so if anyone has a photo of the church with the trimmed trees and new roof, please send it to me:


(Click this link for GENERAL INFORMATION about Stenen)




Post Office opened on August 1, 1908.
Originally called Eden Valley. 

Name changed to Stenen on August 1, 1912.
Current population is 79

Click here for first photos of Stenen, 1913






Contact: Stenen Rawhides Saloon > 306-548-2009

(Click here to see more photos)



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Clayton RM - HYAS website


Stenen Hotel Fire


Village of Stenen, photos


100 Year Church Anniversary


Crystal Lake Website


Crystal Lake Boat Parade 2013


Drive around Crystal Lake


Hyas Photos


Facts about Hyas


Clayton Celebration in Stenen


Birthday Celebration in Hyas


Norquay Website


Sturgis Website


Preeceville Website


Pelly Website


Kamsack Website


Canora Website


Corbett Photos

MORE Neat Links (click)!


Stenen Baseball Team played Satchel Paige's ALL STARS in 1961


Click on this link or photo above to see MORE photos!









  Cara Zubko, (Hockey Player)











































































Copyright © 2013   All Rights Reserved.  This is a Bob Koroluk Website Production Company!

 Village of Stenen, Village of Stenen, Village of Stenen, Village of Stenen, Village of Stenen, Village of Stenen,  Village of Stenen, Village of Stenen, Village of Stenen, Village of Stenen, Village of Stenen, Village of Stenen


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